Setting goals; thinking about making changes can be very overwhelming.  We can write lists; read books; talk to others and get suggestions and after all is said and done, nothing happens.  Or, more precisely, we don’t do anything differently.  ‘Doing the next right thing’ is a simple way around complicated thinking on the change we want to make.  If we get caught up in whether what we want to do is THE right thing, we can remain stuck forevermore.  Maybe psychotherapy will not bring you the answers to all your questions.  Actually, it probably won’t – because no one thing is the answer.  Psychotherapy is simply one tool to add to your toolbox.  You probably have some other tools already that you know how to use welll; possibly some thing-a-ma-jigs that you are not quite sure what they’re for.  Psychotherapy can help you see your existing strengths and skills, as well as help you to develop new ones.

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