I see this song as sung by the singer’s inner child to the singer. In Pink’s Family Portrait, the child is her as they are dressed in the same clothes and even have the same beauty marks on their faces. It’s not until she acknowledges this inner child that she gets to a better place.
Pink – Family Portrait
So much has been written about inner child work. The main premise of inner child work centers on the idea that there is an aspect of the adult that remains a child and holds the emotional memories of events and experiences as well as reactions. This inner child needs to be given a voice. Usually, as adults, we reject ideas or feelings that intellectually we know are not ‘appropriate’ for us to feel, or that we don’t want to feel, and so these feelings are never verbalized. They usually leak out, however, in ways that are difficult to control, like when we are very upset, and that we usually later regret.
Therapy is a forum to give voice to all the illogical parts of you – in a safe, non-judgmental forum. Parts of you that are exasperating because you already should ‘know better’, but you still cannot stifle.