This song is the mantra for many people who grew up in that era and thereafter. I remember being on the dancefloor where there was always someone crying while dancing, yelling out the lyrics to the song, possbily after one beer too many. Songs help people identify their emotions, express them and hopefully move on. This is definitely a ‘I have moved on’ song. Or more precisely, ‘I’ve moved on, but you seem to think that I will take you back’.
Sometimes, we hold on to our anger or resentment long after the event has passed. A person may stay stuck in the grief or the anger of the event that occurred. It could be death, the end of a relationship, or another significant change that the individual has a hard time accepting. Maybe there are others around this individual who say ‘get over it’ or ‘move on’ or something else along those lines. It seems that others don’t understand the pain involved, and it may seem impossible to move on. This is where psychotherapy can help possibly identify what the block is to letting go and moving on.
Is there anything that you are holding on to?